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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spiral/Twists without a Curling Iron

Spiral curls.
1. Towel-dry hair.
2. Brush.
3. Apply any products you use/need: I use anti-breakage serum.
4. Comb through and part hair as you normally style it.
5. Pin one side, then separate a 1-11/2 inch piece from the loose side, then pin the rest.
6. Spray separated hair with heat protector.
7. Twist from the root in the direction towards the back of your head.
8. Hold the twisted piece by the end and blow dry (preferably on medium but just be careful not to burn your scalp or stay too long in one spot) by pointing the dryer at the hair and slowly moving down toward the end. Make sure to swap hands and blow dry the back side of the twist. Then let go of the end and gently dry against the palm of your hand while it is loose to make sure the inner hairs are dried.
9. Pin the completed twist to the top of your head.
10. Un-pin the same side, and repeat 5-9.
11. Pin all completed pieces until you have twisted and blow-dried all of your hair.
12. While all your twists are still pinned, take a moment to blow-dry your scalp (again on medium or low), using your fingers to carefully lift your roots. Give all your twists one last blast of hot & then cool (if you have that setting) all over your head while they are still pinned up.
13. Un-pin twists.
14. Gently run your fingers through the pieces to loosen and separate. 
15. Apply anti-frizz product gently with fingers.
 *for a one-day/night look and to hold curls so they don't go flat, spray with hair spray, gently separate each side of your hair into 2 halves and twist one half at a time (in the same direction) as 2 big units and give a quick hot-then-cool shot with the blow dryer. You can also lift your roots, apply hair spray and do the same with the blow-dryer for a little extra body/volume.